Industry heads reaching new levels of absurdity
I own the text of this blog. You're not allowed to read it without my permit...
So stop reading now!
You need to email me first!!!
...hey, OK you've gone too far now.
Oh, and that song you're whistling, I own the rights to that one as well. Stop whistling, or I'll call the police!
And the chair you're sitting on! My father owns the patents! Are you really sure you've signed a contract with him allowing you to sit on it like that?
Is it worn? You've made alterations to it!!! That is, like, 15 years in jail, if I would have my say in the matter!!!
The link: "intellectual property" industry reaching new levels of draconian absurdity:
guitar tabs and song scores posted online should be made illegal, says the US Music Publishers' Association (MPA). These guys are even urging for imprisonment of copyright-infringers.
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