Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Raiding the 20th century — the history of cut up

On January 18th 2004, Strictly Kev [part of the DJ Food collective] premiered the original 'Raiding The 20th Century' on XFM's The Remix show in London. It was a 40 minute attempt to catalogue the history of cut up music — be it avant garde tape manipulation, turntable megamixes or bastard pop mash ups. It rapidly spread throughout the web and managed to cause a full scale server crash on boomselection.info when they hosted it due to the volume of net traffic.
After having read Paul Morley's recent book Words & Music, Kev decided to expand his idea and involve the voice of Morley himself to make a more definitive document on cut up music. The result: a 40 minute long caleidoscopic, fragmented, serendipitous journey back in time...
This newly expanded version, released a year to the day after the original airing, is an attempt to map the sonic boundaries of the pop music of the 20th century, and — as a consequence — also a sort of summary of the entire cut-up/remix/mash up music movement.

read more, and download the mix, at ubuweb or musicbear